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When it comes time to test for pregnancy, you can not go wrong with a home pregnancy test. Home pregnancy tests are accurate and affordable, and provides a convenient way for pregnancy confirmation in the comfort of your own home. But, before you purchase the exam, take a few minutes to polish all the particulars, so you are sure to choose the right test for you.
How do home pregnancy tests work?
Home pregnancy test (HPT) works by examining the presence of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which is called the "pregnancy hormone", in your urine. HPTs come in three different formats: test strips, middle and digital. To use the pregnancy test strip, you will collect urine samples (always best to use the first urine in the morning as the hCG will most concentrated) in the cup, dip a test strip into the sample for a few seconds, remove the test strip from the sample and allow it to dry on a flat surface , After a few minutes, you can read the test results. The emergence of a line indicates a negative result, while the appearance of two lines (even if there are very faint) showed positive results. With midstream test format, you will urinate directly onto the test strip, allowing the dry test and read the results in a few minutes. Just as with the test strip, the appearance of two lines show positive results for pregnancy. digital home pregnancy test showed the results as "no" or "yes" a clear look at the screen.
How early you can take a home pregnancy test?
As mentioned above, HPTs works by detecting the presence of hCG in your urine. The more sensitive the test is to hCG, the faster it will be able to accurately test for pregnancy. hCG is measured in thousandths of international units and is denoted by the abbreviation mIU. A woman recently pregnant will have about 25 mIU of hCG in the last 10 days of ovulation, 50 mIU at 12 days past ovulation and 100 mIU about the last two weeks of ovulation. The most sensitive available HPTs calibrated to detect hCG at 20 mIU level, which means that the test could accurately confirm pregnancy as early as 7-10 days after ovulation. less sensitive tests are calibrated at level 50 or level of 100 mIU mIU, and can be used once you are late period, or 14 or more days after ovulation.
What is the cost of a home pregnancy test?
Home pregnancy tests vary in price depending on the format you choose and where you buy the test. In, we strip pregnancy tests offered less than a dollar each, and our midstream test cost $ 2.25 each. Competing brands pregnancy test midstream format retail sale in your local drugstore for between $ 6 and $ 10 each.
How accurate home pregnancy test?
Most brands of home pregnancy tests claim to be at least 97% accurate, assuming that the test is carried out in accordance with the instructions of the test. So, with this high level of accuracy, you can be sure that the results you receive trusted. However, there are situations where an HPT may produce false positives or false negatives. If you have just been given a trigger shot hCG to stimulate ovulation, it is possible that you will receive a false positive on a pregnancy test, so be sure to consult with your health care provider about how long you have to wait for the fire trigger to clean your system before you test. On the other hand, you may get a false negative if you test too early (ie, before enough hCG has been manufactured into detected by pregnancy test) or if you are testing a pregnancy test that is not quite sensitive enough. If you receive a negative result, but you think you may be pregnant, you should re-testing in a few days.
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